My Plans

Magnum Opus is going to get a major face lift. I am ramping up to sell the completed chapters here on my website without all the bloated platform fees I’ve been incurring since searching for a place to host it. I’ve solved most of these issues by doing everything in-house, so please support your boy! I’m still working on the shop opening, but I have an ETA around the end of November.

I want to be able to test this out and make sure there isn’t any issues before launch.

The goal was always to create a place where people interested in my work could access it easily and without the hassle of multiple fees, and I finally found a good SaaS solution that works for both customers and the creator.

Where Are We With Ch. 5?

As you may or may not know, I was diagnosed with Acute Brain Thrombosis and spent a good amount of the last half of the year recovering from that, as well as a major family death. I am doing well now, and that’s thanks to the people who supported me in my down-time. I cannot stress how important it is that people supported me at such a dark hour in my life.

This hasn’t slowed down my passion to create stories that mean something to me. I thought very long and hard about what I wanted to do next, and this is the culmination of my efforts in my down-time. Not a bed or a sickness will keep me from doing what I have to do. lol Y’all got a real one on your hands. I have taken my patrons advice and taking it easy, but “taking it easy” isn’t in my blood. Still, I take the advice. lol

I am working on Chapter 5 as we speak, and I am going to pivot into two characters I want to introduce. We can take a guess at who, but patrons will get that reveal when I’m ready to drop CH. 5 on patreon first.

CH 1-4 Availability In-Store

I will be releasing a newer, crispier version of these chapters to be available in-store as official pdf or EPUB file. The physical copies will come with an ISBN number to track for publishing purposes. Later down the road I’ll set up pre-orders for the entire Anthology in book format, square-bound at about 120+ pages. Since books are expensive, this will be the way I’ll test for demand without the mistake of having too much inventory. I’ll announce when it’s ready.

To Recap:

  • Shop Coming Soon
  • The cover is almost finished for Vol. 1 (CH 1-4) and will be available as digital downloads
  • EPUB or PDF format
  • Physical Book formatted for Printing underway
  • Chapter 5 in the works

Where To Find Me:

Support me on Patreon so I can make more stories, or check out my shop for goods! Don’t forget to like, share, and comment to help spread the word! 💓

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