New Direction

I’m taking a different direction and just working from the ground up to have a place to house all my work. I’m just a little too tired from dealing with platforms that take money from me and my clients. Lately, platform fees have been eating into my funds, so I’m just cutting everything off that isn’t working for me and starting fresh. I hope people can support my efforts by visiting this site and purchasing from me directly.

The upside is that I have a store where I can release things, and the transaction fees with my vendor are minimal. The best part? I own the site, I own my work, and I won’t be uprooted if a toddler of a billionaire decides one day he wants to shit in everyone’s back yard. lol I personally don’t feel comfortable relying on one place, so I am going back to my old ways and taking ownership of my own space.

Where To Find Me:

Support me on Patreon so I can make more stories, or check out my shop for goods! Don’t forget to like, share, and comment to help spread the word! 💓

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